Group Instruction
We have unique patented classes that were nationally published and used throughout the United States. Gather some kids, and we will instruct the course at your time at your location. Most courses require that you attend all sessions and prepay the amount which is non-refundable. Session prices depend on number enrolled.
*Our group chess instruction is for adults only. Students that want chess instruction should attend one of our clubs found at
Travel Class
The travel class is a research course where students learn about different tourist attactions of the local area. The main emphasis is to design a one day trip, complete with activities. The trip will take place after the last day of the class. As a group, students will have a choice from various selections and decide on the transportation. This class is designed for students from 2nd grade to 6th grade.There are additional costs for some trip expenses.

Structure Workshop
Want to learn how to build structures? This course is all about hands-on building. Different structures are built according to student interest. Options include building speciality bridges, making a dome from PVC pipe, making a Skyscraper from beams or making an interior model of a home or business. Projects will be displayed. This class is designed for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. All classes will be at your location. The minimum class size is six.

It is designed for elementary students who want to learn something about first aid and will prepare them for a National Certified First Aid Course that they may want to take at a future time. Students will learn about anatomy by having "surgery" on a pig's eye, lung, heart, or other parts of the anatomy. Students will participate in simulated emergencies and make the class into an actual emergency room to care for patients. All classes wil be onstie at your location. The minimum class size is 9.

Chess for Adults

Hands on Geometry
polyhedral shapes, basic measurement, using a time schedule, stock market companies or continental math problem solving. This class is designed for students at a math level from 3rd - 6th grade.